Catalog Utils

Use catalogutils to interact with the MAYA catalog of numerical relativity waveforms ( Use this to obtain the parameters (such as mass ratio, spins, etc) for simulations, search for simulations with given parameters, plot parameters, or download waveforms.

from mayawaves.utils.catalogutils import Catalog
from mayawaves.utils.catalogutils import Parameter as p

Create an instance of the Catalog class

This updates the metadata for the catalog and creates a Catalog object for you to interact with.

catalog = Catalog()

Catalog has a property to list all simulations in the maya catalog

all_simulations = catalog.simulations
print(f"Total number of waveforms in the metadata file is {len(all_simulations)}. First waveform is {all_simulations[0]}")
print(f"The first ten waveforms are {all_simulations[:10]}")
Total number of waveforms in the metadata file is 635. First waveform is GT0001
The first ten waveforms are ['GT0001', 'GT0002', 'GT0003', 'GT0004', 'GT0005', 'GT0006', 'GT0007', 'GT0008', 'GT0009', 'GT0010']

The Parameter enum allows you to easily reference specific parameters

print(*[(param) for param in p], sep = "\n")

Catalog has properties to grab all nonspinning, aligned spin, or precessing simulations

nonspinning_simulations = catalog.nonspinning_simulations
print(f"Total number of waveforms with no spin: {len(nonspinning_simulations)}. First waveform is {nonspinning_simulations[0]}")
Total number of waveforms with no spin: 103. First waveform is GT0370
aligned_spin_simulations = catalog.aligned_spin_simulations
print(f"Total number of waveforms with aligned spins: {len(aligned_spin_simulations)}. First waveform is {aligned_spin_simulations[0]}")
Total number of waveforms with aligned spins: 157. First waveform is GT0355
precessing_simulations = catalog.precessing_simulations
print(f"Total number of precessing waveforms: {len(precessing_simulations)}. First waveform is {precessing_simulations[0]}")
Total number of precessing waveforms: 370. First waveform is GT0001

Get simulations with a given mass ratio

mass_ratio = 2
sims = catalog.get_simulations_with_mass_ratio(mass_ratio = mass_ratio)
print(f"Total number of waveforms with q = {mass_ratio} is {len(sims)}. First waveform is {sims[0]}")
Total number of waveforms with q = 2 is 53. First waveform is GT0428

You can also enter a tolerance for a parameter, and will receive simulations that are within that tolerance of the requested mass ratio

mass_ratio = 2
tol = 0.1
sims = catalog.get_simulations_with_mass_ratio(mass_ratio=mass_ratio, tol=tol)
print(f"Total number of waveforms with q = {mass_ratio} and tolerance {tol} is {len(sims)}. First waveform is {sims[0]}")
Total number of waveforms with q = 2 and tolerance 0.1 is 92. First waveform is GT0376

Get simulations with a given symmetric mass ratio

eta = 0.23
tol = 0.005
sims = catalog.get_simulations_with_symmetric_mass_ratio(eta=eta, tol=tol)
print(f"Total number of waveforms with eta = {eta} and tol = {tol} is {len(sims)}. First waveform is {sims[0]}")
Total number of waveforms with eta = 0.23 and tol = 0.005 is 9. First waveform is GT0376

Get the all the parameters of a given simulation

simulation_parameters = catalog.get_parameters_for_simulation("GT0378")
print(f'The mass ratio of GT0378 is {simulation_parameters[p.MASS_RATIO]}')
The mass ratio of GT0378 is 2.050005889145129
simulation_parameter_string = '\n'.join([f'{par.value}: {value}' for par, value in simulation_parameters.items()])
print(f"All available parameters of GT0378 are:\n\n{simulation_parameter_string}")
All available parameters of GT0378 are:

name: D10_a0.0_q2.05_m103_Qs
m1: 0.672130590009755
m2: 0.3278676386095844
m1_irr: 0.67213059
m2_irr: 0.3278676386
q: 2.050005889145129
eta: 0.220371
a1: 1.0775370384725463e-05
a1x: -6.189079683097315e-13
a1y: -5.31375343569779e-15
a1z: 1.0775370384725444e-05
a2: 1.5292461249223795e-05
a2x: -1.0523082784791894e-11
a2y: -1.0845157044129532e-13
a2z: 1.5292461249220173e-05
chi_eff: 1.2256380923285683e-05
chi_p: 4.652204568862241e-12
f_lower_at_1MSUN: 1807.5340709236116
separation: 9.99995249833483
eccentricity: 0.005865368688535364
mean_anomaly: -1.0
merge_time: 998.6407813
maya file size (GB): 0.3597998470067978
lvcnr file size (GB): 0.00412185862660408

Get all simulations with given parameters

This method can be used with any number of parameters. It is better to use non-zero tolerances while searching for waveforms to ensure you get all simulations that fit your desired parameters.

simulations = catalog.get_simulations_with_parameters(params = [p.MASS_RATIO, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_Z_1], values =  [1, 0.5], tol = [0.01, 0.5] )

simulations = catalog.get_simulations_with_parameters(params = [p.MASS_RATIO, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_X_1, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_Y_1, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_Z_1, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_X_2, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_Y_2, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_Z_2], values =  [1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6], tol = [0.01, 0.001, 0.001, 0.5, 0.001, 0.001, 0.4999] )

simulations = catalog.get_simulations_with_parameters(params = [p.MASS_RATIO, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_2], values =  [1, 0.1], tol = [0.01, 0.1] )

Plotting the distribtution of waveform parameters in the catalog

catalog.plot_catalog_parameters(p.MASS_RATIO, p.CHI_EFF, dpi = 500)
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
Minimum q: 0.9996440633567225, maximum q: 15.07085918507278
Minimum chi_eff: -0.8089458636660637, maximum chi_eff: 0.8085713846964644
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
catalog.plot_catalog_parameters(p.MASS_RATIO, p.CHI_P, dpi = 500, color = "salmon")
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
Minimum q: 0.9996440633567225, maximum q: 15.07085918507278
Minimum chi_p: 4.990315336895653e-18, maximum chi_p: 0.9316840649738882
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

You can also provide a directory to save the figures in and they will be saved rather than displayed.

catalog.plot_catalog_parameters(p.MASS_RATIO, p.DIMENSIONLESS_SPIN_2, dpi = 500 , color = "green", save_path='.')
Minimum q: 0.9996440633567225, maximum q: 15.07085918507278
Minimum a2: 3.8462054439966505e-10, maximum a2: 0.9261967059788215
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Downloading waveforms

To download waveforms from the Center for Gravitational Physics website, use download_waveforms. Here, we will download GT0898 to the current directory.

catalog.download_waveforms(['GT0898'], save_wf_path = '.')
Total size of requested waveforms is 0.92 GB.
Downloading 1 waveforms and saving in ..
Downloading waveform GT0898. This waveform has the following parameters
Catalog id: GT0898
name                  GW15_D12_q1.2_a0.0_m140
m1                    0.5455
m2                    0.4545
m1_irr                0.5455
m2_irr                0.4545
q                     1.2000
eta                   0.2479
a1                    0.0000
a1x                   -0.0000
a1y                   -0.0000
a1z                   0.0000
a2                    0.0000
a2x                   -0.0000
a2y                   -0.0000
a2z                   0.0000
chi_eff               0.0000
chi_p                 0.0000
f_lower_at_1MSUN      1445.3053
separation            12.0000
eccentricity          0.0021
mean_anomaly          3.2766
merge_time            1891.1250
maya file size (GB)   0.9177
lvcnr file size (GB)  0.0084

Waveforms can also be downloaded in the lvc-nr format (

catalog.download_waveforms(['GT0898'], save_wf_path='.', lvcnr_format=True)
Total size of requested waveforms is 0.01 GB.
Downloading 1 waveforms and saving in ..
Downloading waveform GT0898. This waveform has the following parameters
Catalog id: GT0898
name                  GW15_D12_q1.2_a0.0_m140
m1                    0.5455
m2                    0.4545
m1_irr                0.5455
m2_irr                0.4545
q                     1.2000
eta                   0.2479
a1                    0.0000
a1x                   -0.0000
a1y                   -0.0000
a1z                   0.0000
a2                    0.0000
a2x                   -0.0000
a2y                   -0.0000
a2z                   0.0000
chi_eff               0.0000
chi_p                 0.0000
f_lower_at_1MSUN      1445.3053
separation            12.0000
eccentricity          0.0021
mean_anomaly          3.2766
merge_time            1891.1250
maya file size (GB)   0.9177
lvcnr file size (GB)  0.0084