Contributor’s Guide

Mayawaves is intended to be a library that will grow and expand with additional analysis tools. We welcome the input of the community to both request new features and help in implementing them. In order to make this process smooth, we use the fork-merge workflow.

In this workflow, you will create a fork of the repository. You will then create a feature branch and make all of your changes on that branch. Do not make any changes to your main branch. You may then create a merge request to merge your feature branch into the primary repository. This branch can then be merged into main.

Make a fork

The steps in this section only need to be done once.

Click the “fork” button at

Then clone your fork to your machine using:

git clone<your_workspace>/mayawaves.git

Link your clone to the primary repository upstream:

cd mayawaves
git remote add upstream

Setup main branch to track main branch of the primary repository:

git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git branch --set-upstream-to upstream/main
git pull

Keeping your fork up to date

To keep the main branch of your fork up to date, regularly do the following:

git checkout main
git pull
git push origin main

Making changes

Make all your changes in a branch on your fork.

Create a new branch with the following:

git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -b new-feature-name upstream/main

Make any desired changes, committing frequently and using descriptive commit messages. When you are ready to do your first push to your branch on your fork, run:

git push --set-upstream origin new-feature-name

All future pushes can be done with:

git push

To keep your branch up to date with the main branch, periodically do the following:

git checkout main
git pull
git checkout new-feature-name
git rebase upstream/main
git push -f origin new-feature-name

Running tests

To ensure that all existing functionality is not broken, any changes need to pass the test suite. To run the tests, run the following from the main directory:

python -m unittest discover tests

Please add tests to the suite for any features you add and ensure they also pass.

Updating the documentation

To update the documentation with any changes you’ve made, do the following from the main directory:

cd docs
rm -r html doctrees
make html

Submitting a merge request

Once you are happy with your changes, you can create a merge request that will be reviewed by the MAYA developer team.